Heilig Geist Church
From an oil factory to a church
In 1933, the former oil factory, Blass, was turned into a church for the south of Katernberg by the government site builder Emil Jung as the Church of St. Josef in the north of Katernberg was too small to accommodate the steadily growing parish. Due to severe mining subsidence and war damage, the church was closed in the 1950s and Prof. Gottfried Böhm, son of the famous church-builder Dominikus Böhm, built the Heilig Geist church (Church of the Holy Ghost). This eye-catching church with its tent-like roof construction is located right next to Katernberg Süd railway station.

Meybuschhof 1345327 Essen
Phone: 0201 436 460
Website: http://www.st-jupp.de/de/Unsere-Kirchen/Die-Kirche-Heilig-Geist
Further Information
Distance from the Zollverein Nord Bahnhof stop:
60 m, Schonnebeckhöfe, corner of Meybuschhof
Link to timetable
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